
New Blues: One Dime Band — ‘Side Hustle’

One Dime Band – Side Hustle

One Dime Band is a perfect example of what can ignite when artists work together, with each other. If there was ever an argument for partnership in music, this duo’s album is it. With this, their debut album, One Dime Band offer a blend of blues and R&B, while establishing a style all their own. It’s a soundtrack in search of a film. It’s got a voice, a point of view, and a sense of humor.

One Dime Band is John Brauchier (on guitar and banjo) and Paul Gallucci (vocals, harp, and guitar). From the first groove, it’s clear that they have been playing together for years. This album also features several key members of the Boston blues scene, including Romeo Dubois (drums), Paul Kochanski (bass), Alizon Lissance (keyboards), Ilana Katz Katz (fiddle), Johnny Blue Horn (trumpet), Mario Perrett (saxophone), Holly Harris (percussion), Tim Curry (backing vocals), and Robin Hathaway (duet vocals).

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